What's goin' on...

January 9, 2008

I seem to have temporarily run out of all but the most mundane of words. Can't think of anything interesting to write.
Actually, it's not that. It's that I have a pretty major, new challenge in my life helping someone from church, it has been taking up most of my time, but the experiences I've been having aren't appropriate for sharing here. Suffice it to say, however, that I have had the opportunity to put pretty much any problem I will ever have for the rest of my life into proper perspective. Ever. My paper journal is getting a workout. In the meantime, Eric is loving all the election coverage, all my kids are happy and healthy and doing good things, I really need to go running, and I'm really, really looking forward to my annual girls' weekend away in the wild woods of Pennsylvania at the end of the month. I'm working on a big knitting project and watching way too many reruns of M*A*S*H. The bad news for today is that I'm not going to England this year. I'm working on that stiff upper lip thing. Thank goodness for Masterpiece Theater, right? The good news for today is that I found a new bookstore in my area. Corinne and I already have plans to check it out. I can't quite figure out from the website if it is a real store or the headquarters of an online store. If you know anything about Super Book Deals, do tell.


  1. that's too bad about England. :( but great about the bookstore! I love exploring a little mystery... I hope you have some nice snowy beauty in your wild woods. :)

  2. There's always next year for England, right? My only experience with online stores vs. real stores is that most online ones have a real store going too, basically a browsable warehouse, not anything fancy, but that's just my limited experience. Good luck ferreting that out!

  3. Bummer. But who knows, maybe we would have been flooded out this summer too!

  4. So sad about the trip. I hope that you enjoy your time in the woods. Take your camera, I would love to see what you come home with. :-)

  5. Kellie, I FEEL YOUR PAIN about not going to England. We should chat about it sometime :) I can't wait to go bookstore exploring with you, my friend!!

    Oh, and THANKS for all your efforts. You are seriously making a difference.

  6. have you seen that masterpiece theatre is doing a jane austen series? perhaps that will help ease your pain....

  7. BOOKSTORE???? Oh no, oh no, my wallet is running away from me . . .

    Sorry about England! But hey, I'm glad you get your girls getaway in PA! That's awesome. Good luck with everything you're doing.


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