This past week has seen that subtle but wonderful shift in the light, the feel of the air on my face and the colors all around me that signifies the autumnal equinox has actually occurred. Today on the way home from church we noticed a tree beginning to change color. It is so incredible to me that the world works so perfectly. It is to me an evidence that there actually is an organization to all this. It just can't be random. As I sat at Evan's soccer practice on Tuesday after my run, the sky danced through the most beautiful sunset I've seen in a while. This picture shows the last faded vestiges of the incredible blaze of glory that I saw about 10 minutes earlier. Imagine this view except in living breathing pink, purple and orange pulsating across the entire sky in waves like liquid fire. More evidence that I simply should NOT go anywhere without a camera.
The equinox also is a signal to me that things really are settling down from the wild, wonderful abandon of summer. It is time to pull in a little, focus inward a bit and get ready for the total introspection and rest of winter. I love the rythmn of the seasons, can you tell?
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