In the meantime, here is my ta-da list for 2006:
Watched my oldest son choose to serve a mission (not really my accomplishment, but I am savoring it nonetheless)
Put an addition on the house (choosing this option instead of buying a bigger house has allowed us to look forward to paying off the house in about 8 more years instead of 20 or 30!)
Finished teaching all four courses of study in seminary
Celebrated my 20th anniversary
Celebrated my 40th birthday
Used the word "celebrated" for both those milestones and meant it!
Made it back to Maine and loved it.
Started teaching my fifth year of seminary
Spent almost 60 hours alone with Eric for the first time in about 7 years.
Made precious new friends
Kept precious old friends
Joined a book club with no meetings and remembered that I am pretty good at reading and writing and thinking about things beyond seminary lessons and my kids' homework!
Continued teaching knitting lessons and at the Stitches conferences
Gained confidence in my photography skills and took opportunities to get better
Enjoyed my family and watched them all grow taller and more beautiful
So, before you jump into next year and start feeling like there's already too much to do, remember what you've accomplished. You're pretty amazing!
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