Not a Manic Monday, for a change

March 8, 2010

Today was blissfully quiet. I'm feeling a bit off, like maybe I'm trying to come down with something, and it was so nice to have time for a nap, time to fold laundry and actually put it away, time to listen to my book while puttering around, etc. (I'm listening to HP and the Deathly Hallows-it's like I'm reading it for the first time-wonderful stuff) I planned out some upcoming posts for my new knitting blog, finally got all the suitcases back in storage from my trip, and a bunch of other little things. It was nice.

Life goes through cycles and I've just finished with such a crazy, non-routine month. Right now, March is shaping up to be rather calm.  There are no scheduled days off school, we aren't getting ready for any big travel during spring break, wrestling is over, and the calendar looks, well, just normal. Sure, there are doctor's appointments and lacrosse starting up and all that, but nothing huge. Sometimes huge is good because it energizes. But sometimes regular and medium are really great because you get that margin back around the edges of your life. You have time to get the papers filed and to occasionally vacuum the whole house and all that other stuff that gets thrown to the bottom of the list when things are huge and crazy all the time.

Here's to March both coming AND going like a lamb, regardless of the weather.

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