Happy Mother's Day

May 12, 2007

Yes, another post about motherhood, but it's okay because it is what I do. I wanted to share this article. I've seen this book around and resisted buying it because I mostly try to stick with books by General Authorities when I order from Deseret Book, but this excerpt was in my LDS living magazine and I thought it was right on. Jane Clayson, if you don't know, was the co-anchor of The Early Show-CBS's morning show. I especially loved Maria Shriver's quote. Once again, the thing that comes to me is that my identity as a woman, my talents, my individuality are enhanced by motherhood. The world tries to convince me that I am diminished by motherhood, but I am not. If I prioritize properly, I will have every opportunity that I need to become fully developed, to stay sane, and to COMPLETELY enjoy life. I am not settling for anything or putting off anything by taking this time. This is my life.

So, Happy Mother's Day to me and everyone else. I didn't use to love Mother's Day because I expected everyone else to honor me and give me a pat on the back. Phooey. I'm not here for pats on the back, I'm here to serve and grow become who I was meant to be. I no longer put that kind of pressure on my family or others. How on earth can all the work I do be summed up in a single day? Impossible. Why should a failure by someone else to make a big enough deal on Mother's Day negate all they do for us the rest of the year? I would rather have the 365 days of support and love and service that my husband gives me and the million every-day small joys and sorrows from my kids than one day of forced flowers and Hallmark adulation. I know women who do not have the former and the latter simply does not make up for it. A dozen roses from someone else could never fill a hole I dug myself because of my attitude. That is not a sour-grapes response. It is really how I feel now, and I'm grateful to be in this place. I like encouragement as much as the next gal. Maybe more. But when it comes from inside myself and from spiritual confirmations, it is enough to bear me up when I don't get it from outside sources.

When I honor myself first on Mother's day, it is a wonderful day.


  1. I love how you put it! That first paragraph is golden. I am focusing this year on being content and a better person in my own little corner of the world. What better way to develop my character -- to be enhanced, not diminished -- than as a mother?

  2. Yay Kellie. I for one am glad I share mother's day with my anniversary this year. (I also shared my birthday with Easter.) It's nice to have a day that isn't so set up for a fall. I will spend this mother's day actually BEING a mother, instead of trying to avoid it and feeling guilty about my failings.

  3. Here here Kellie!! So well put!! I love your thoughts, they are inspiring and I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back first this year too!! :)

  4. Hey, Kellie! I read that article, too,and bought the book. Jenni has my copy, but you can totally borrow it when she is done! It has like every wonderful quotation about being a mother you've ever heard or read--and some you haven't. I really enjoyed the quick read. I love being a mom!

  5. You're a great example Kellie. I remember all my mom ever wanted for Mother's Day was for us (her children) to be nice to each other. Now that I am a mom, I can't agree more :) It's not about stuff or flowers - it's about being at peace in my calling as a mom and using it as a day to reflect on that. Thanks!

  6. Wonderful. I love your attitude. Love you. Oh, and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

  7. Thanks, Kellie. You are so insightful. Since I'm still relatively new at motherhood, it's taken me a bit to figure out that I'm happier when not expecting a big "praise to me" day and take it as mothers are always important no matter what day it is. I'm grateful to have a husband who is very supportive all the year long!!

  8. Kirsten gave me this book for Mother's Day. I have been out of town all week, but look forward to reading it soon.


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