So What Are the Chances?

September 29, 2007

Tonight, my pal Cami was picking me up to go to the big Relief Society meeting (our church's women's group), at which we happened to be performing a song together. I saw her come, grabbed my stuff and went out the door. She started to get out of the car to come get me and we realized that we were wearing the same dress. We hooted with laughter and debated about just showing up like that (for about 2 seconds), then I went up and changed. If we hadn't been singing together....maybe. It has been making me smile all night because I have always thought of Cami as a kindred spirit, and this just proves it. If you look closely, we are even wearing almost the same shoes. Eric still doesn't understand why I changed. I was telling another friend the story and he said he would have liked to see us perform as the Pointer Sisters or the Supremes or something. Ha. Thanks for a very fun moment, Cami.


  1. Just goes to show you both have great taste! It is a very cute dress! :) I must say though, you did look lovely in your red dress with that adorable little white sweater that I'm sure you made! And you both sang beautifully!

  2. LOVE IT! and i love that you stopped and took a picture! so funny.

  3. OH that is so awesome!! I wish I could have been there to hear you both sing, I bet it was amazing.

  4. LOL!! That is so funny! I am so glad that you thought to take a picture. I am so sad that I missed you singing tonight. My whole day went down the toilet and I didn't even get to go to Conference. I am SO mad about it. Humm, I should blog about that!

  5. no wonder your song sounded so nice - you were both obviously on the same wavelength! what a great story!

  6. How great is this. You both look fabulous. The best of all are the smiles on your faces.

  7. You are so cute! I think we should all go buy this dress and wear them the same Sunday. Our Beehives have done it before, so why can't we?

  8. Hilarious!! I'm so glad you got a picture of you both!! It's such a cute dress!!

  9. Yes, great taste. You both look fabulous! I wish I could have heard you sing too. I didn't know you sang, Kellie. I hope I have the opportunity to hear you another time.

  10. Oh, good times. I even took off my tights later! Then we would have been practically identical! You're great for changing. It would have been pretty cool to match. Maybe at church sometime . . . :)

  11. Very funny!! What are the chances of that, and did you really plan it? Tell us the truth (:
    Your song was beautiful. You both never cease to amaze me!

  12. Oh that is too funny!! The closest I've come to that is one evening when we were living with my parents, we all finally sat down at the dinner table together and noticed that we were all wearing some shade of red--even the kiddies.

  13. that is really funny. You did sound fabulous on Saturday night, btw. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us!

  14. How funny! Boy I miss going to SM ward events and seeing you all. I would have loved to hear you both sing. I love that you guys realized this was picture-worthy and snapped a quick pic!


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