7:30 am and All's Well

December 2, 2007

I slept in today till 6:30. The house is still quiet an hour later. If I let them, everyone will sleep till at least 9, with the tweeners sleeping even longer. That's when you know they're teenagers or going to be soon. They just love to sleep. When they get the chance, I let them, because they work pretty hard all week. Sam is so whipped from wrestling and cutting weight (arrgggh) that he has been going to bed at 9. That is weird for a teen.

Johnathan started work at Costco yesterday. He did a full shift: 11-7. I am very excited for him and his 11 bucks an hour. He got to work most of the day with a friend, Derek, which isn't a bad way to start a new job. He has at least one other friend working there, also. It has been an interesting journey to this point with Costco. He applied back in the summer and they called him right away, before the store even opened. To give a little background, and without this being any kind of a judgement on any other individual or family's beliefs or practices, we have taught our kids that the Sabbath (Sunday for us) is not a day for working if it can be avoided, and that it should be avoided actively. Johnathan has decided to adopt this belief and practice for himself. So, when they called a couple months back and told him he would have to work on Sunday, he politely told them he would not because of religious conviction, and they politely told him no thanks. So he applied for several other jobs, and just never got called. We kept hearing that Costco was shorthanded and Johnathan should call back for reconsideration. So he did, twice. Twice he was told the same thing. As much as I wanted him to get a job, I did not want to suggest that he compromise his personal integrity by standing down on his Sabbath beliefs. I knew there would be other rewards, even if it wasn't in the job market. So, a couple of weeks ago, they called him back, not for an interview or any questions, but just a straight up drug test. They said they needed seasonal help and still had his application. So we figured he was hired if they went to the expense of a drug test. The end of the story is that he went Friday for orientation, asked about the Sunday thing and this time they said, "No problem." He started up the next day and said it went well. I don't know what will happen from here, but I'm glad he is starting his working life with this experience. Doing what you believe is right is not always easy and it doesn't always bring obvious rewards, but his knowing that he was true to himself will stand him in good stead for the rest of his life. At least I hope it will.


  1. That is so great! That gives me hope for when my kids start job hunting. It's such a critical time in their lives that you'd dread them missing church. I haven't woken up before my kids in a long time. I feel so sorry for you that 6:30 is sleeping in! When your teaching seminary days are over I wish you lots of late mornings!

  2. What a great story. I hope that my children will also stand for what they believe in. I am glad that he was rewarded with the job in the end. I like happy endings.

  3. What a great story! I am so impressed he stuck with it AND that he had the courage to go back. That is such a mature thing to do! Very impressive!

  4. I am very happy to hear this story. What good parents and teaching he has had. What a great kid for standing up for what he believes he will be blessed!! Go Costco I will have to loook for him love that place!

  5. Wow! that's great that he doesn't have to work Sundays. That's awesome.

    I let Ethan sleep when he will for the same reason. I figure, since I cut his name, every now and then he needs to catch up, and he is a busy little boy--he can use his rest.

  6. Good for him. That really does take guts - I like that he was able to see it work out.

  7. i read this awhile ago and it gave me warm fuzzies to see little miracles like this happen, it belongs in a New Era testimony moment or something. good for him, and you!


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