Can't think of a title.

January 13, 2008

Well, I have another change in plans for this year. My friend won't be able to run the marathon, for a very good and legitimate reason, so now I have to decide whether to run the full marathon on my own, run the half or just wait. I don't do as well on my own. Well, that is not really true. I just really like running with someone, especially her. My friend will keep training with me, which is good, but I've already finished a marathon once, so I don't feel like I have anything to prove. So, I will probably just do the half again. I don't know yet. It's all good though, I'm just indecisive.

Sam is quite sick and has been since Thursday. He managed to wrestle in Thursday's match against my Alma Mater (Catonsville High) and even win, but he was already running a fever at that point and has been home ever since. He's 15 and mostly sleeping, but he has a fever of about 102, is occasionally throwing up, and has a sore throat. On top of that, his congestion appears to be turning into a sinus infection. I skipped the baby shower yesterday because Eric was gone all day to scout training. I listened to my Ken Kolodner CD's will take my pal out for lunch to celebrate. Today I'm home from church to make sure Sam gets his antibiotic and remembers to drink water. It felt like maybe his fever had broken at about 5 this morning, but now he feels hot again. Bless his heart. He's a pretty sweet patient, but here is a laugh for those of you who have maybe encountered a different kind of patient:


  1. I love the video clip. sorry you have a sicky

  2. OOHHH that made me laugh out loud and I made Clint watch it too :) Good luck deciding what to do with the marathon - I know Clint will be there :)

  3. Very funny! Why are men such babies when it comes to illnes?! Our scarlet fever case has turned into an epidemic in our family since my husband is now dealing with it and the baby was feverish tonight...hope your son feels better soon and hope you don't catch what he has!

  4. thanks for the giggles. i'm glad your patient is a little bit easier and hope he feels better soon. we missed you at church today. i heard several people asking where you were.

  5. So sad about having to miss the baby shower! And even sadder about your friend not being able to run the marathon with you. :( C'est la vie. I hope your son is feeling better soon! (BTW our sound card is still not functioning, so I couldn't get much out of the video clip... Hopefully in another month we'll be able to fix that! But I'm sure it's funny. :))

  6. Hey, a lanuage i understand ???
    Teige is watching C beebies as we speak with a fever, Oh no! he has a British Man cold ??? Quick dial 999

  7. SO funny Kellie!! Thanks for that clip - I'm showing it to Adrian as soon as he gets home today! I hope Sam feels better soon!

  8. We missed you on Sunday. Tell Sam your blogging friends wish him well. He must be a great wrestler to win even when he's sick. After watching your funny clip, I'm grateful Chris is the opposite. He never admits he's sick. Now quit blogging and go get Sam some soup!

  9. Well, I say run a quarter of the marathon and call it good, but that's just me . . .

    sorry about the sickies! Life is no fun with a fever. (or with anyone in the house with one.)

  10. Oh My Goodness that clip was funny! I really needed that laugh. I had tears streaming down my face and nearly choked on my sandwich dinner (being eaten at almost 10PM).

    That is a bummer about the marathon, but I think the half is just as motivational. I mean, you have to train just as much, right? Only you don't have to stress about that super endurance mindset you'd need for the whole shabang.

    I hope poor Sam is on the mend soon!


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