August ends today
With me smiling.
One of those big, silly ones that comes of its own accord-
There is so much for me to smile about today.
At the beginning of the month, my first born,
whom I carried through my last year of formal education,
and who started me in my life's work,
struck out and made his own family.
It was the right time.
Now, at the end of the month, I'm back at school.
One class, every Tuesday.
As I drove home, the smile started down deep inside
And just burst out
And I was wistful that it would be a whole week
Before I could walk across campus again.
It's just art 101 at a community college,
But it is the right time.
I shake my head and smile again:
I have a student ID
And a parking permit,
And a reason to wear a pink HCC shirt,
The 10-dollar one in the basket next to the bookstore cash register.
It made me smile so I bought it.
So utterly ordinary,
But happy, heady realizations for me.
Because I am first a mother
And closed the textbooks for a while,
Now there's a side door to open.
My kids are giving me advice and
Smiling their pride and support.
It's a nice symmetry.
And here I am
Shaking my head, and smiling.
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