Book Review: The Beekeeper's Apprentice

October 27, 2014

The Beekeeper's Apprentice, or On the Segregation of the Queen
by Laurie R. King
Audible audiobook read by Jenny Sterlin
Adult, Mystery
You might like this book if you are a fan of the Sherlock Holmes oeuvre, like mysteries, or enjoy stories that provide a new take on a familiar theme. Or if you like stories where a female is a strong lead character.

Stitches East 2014

October 21, 2014

It's Tuesday again. Time is flying right now, actually flying.

I did go to Hartford, Connecticut and teach at Stitches East during the 2nd week of October. This show marked 9 years since I started teaching at these venues and became a national teacher, not just a local one. I got good evals right from the get-go, so they have hired me back all these years and I appreciate it. I have gained some of the most important friends in my life and have been able to move almost seamlessly from considering myself a stay-at-home mom to now, building a flexible career that will allow me to still be the kind of mom and grandma I want to be. As the kids say, I am #hashtagblessed.

Fade to Autumn

October 7, 2014

Over at Bollman Bridge a few days ago.

So far, it's been a lovely transition to the Autumnal times of the year. Blue skies, changing leaves, mild-to-chilly temperatures and all that jazz. 

Book Review: The Quiet Gentleman

October 3, 2014

The Quiet Gentleman by Georgette Heyer
Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Adult
You might like this book if you're a fan of Georgette Heyer, the Regency era, or fun romances that are clean and clever instead of steamy.
I listened to the audiobook from Audible, Read by Cornelius Garrett

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