A New Day Has Come

April 22, 2008

I'm not exactly feeling like pounding my chest like Celine Dion does when she sings that song, but after yesterday, things have been better. Frankly, they would have to be. Okay, I'm being dramatic, but what a discouraging day. The air has cleared and everyone got off to school with light hearts this morning, so all is, of course, well. Thanks to everyone for the kind comments. They really do help when I vent upon you, my darling friends. I try so hard to keep it positive, but sometimes the equation just doesn't add up and that giant negative sign glows neon and demands to be recognized. I love you all for encouraging me and being so kind.

Today's adventure was Sam's first driving experience with left turns in traffic with lights, multi-lane roads, stops on a hill (he drives a manual transmission), and me pretty much keeping my cool. This is my third child to learn to drive and, while it doesn't get easier per se, as long as I remember all the dumb things I did when I was learning and try to pile on the praise, it is bearable. Plus, it is my free ticket into heaven, so I welcome the challenge.


  1. Oh, what a patient woman you are teaching your children to drive. I already know that Chris will have to be the one to take on that task. So glad your day was better. Wish you many more!

  2. Ha! Your free ticket into heaven! That's awesome. My mom taught all eight of us, too. I guess I'll be there in seven years...

  3. I am so glad that you feel better today. Sure wish we could have seen you at the shower tonight and given you loves. My dad taught me how to drive a stick.... they are fun once you get the hang of it, but learning... or rather teaching.... that is a whole other story. Good luck with that. Hold on tight and say a prayer in your heart. :-)

  4. I was the first that my mom taught to drive (on a standard transm too) and still have vivid memories of her "brake" foot on the passenger side. Good luck to both of you!

  5. OH learning to drive. Trauma for everyone :) I was so hoping that your spirit would be lighter today, dear friend :)

  6. After reading that you're feeling better, just after I read Mendy's spring list, I too feel a bit renewed. I do love a fresh start. Good luck with the driving!

  7. Good luck with the driving. I'm glad you're having a better day!


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