When Mama Ain't Happy, yada, yada, yada...

April 21, 2008

Really that saying should be, "When Mama has no quantifiable evidence whatever that anything she is doing is producing even the slightest positive result, then nobody's happy..." Yeah, the other has more of a ring to it, I know.

All I can say is that I'm glad that there is no such thing as Mom Idol. If my kids were the judges, they would all be Simon and my performance today would be worse than a theme-park performance. If they were the viewers at home, I would not get any votes.

One last thought before I go curl up under my covers in the fetal position and have a very dramatic and cathartic fall-apart:
I'm glad that at least other people's children like me.


  1. Boy, it must be going around, because I am feeling the same way. So, here's a big hug from one falling-apart mom to another.

  2. Oh dear, your post made me want to cry, I am so sorry... if you were my neighbor I would run over and give you the biggest hug and tell you that no one's children like them. And if they do like you, then you've done something wrong as a parent. Give it a few years, then you'll be a superstar when they realize all that you've done and how hard it is to be a mom. I think you're amazing!!! **SUPER HUGS**

  3. I like your version better, definitely more accurate. Here's a big HUG for you. I'll be your Paula and tell you that you're brilliant and under appreciated. They're taking you for granted and will come around.

  4. Well said, well said. Don't worry, you are completely not alone in these feelings... and I would make an AWFUL Mom Idol contestant-- so bad that I'd be on one of the first shows, one that they'd showcase for being ridiculously bad. :)

  5. So sorry you got the Monday Night Blues. That happens to the best of us--you're the evidence of that. My Maia sure does love you, Kellie, and so do I. You're amazing.

  6. Thanks for this post. I needed it after I yelled at my angels for silly things and they look at me like I'm crazy and irrational, which I am. It's nice to know I'm not alone. My goal today is not to lose it & keep my sanity. Good luck to you. Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone! Love you!

  7. Yes, I'd be at some "GHASTLY party" where they make the daughter sing and whatnot. WE all love you, and I think your curling up in fetal position under the covers sounds great. I'll go do that too.

  8. My dear, sweet friend. Your post made me a bit teary - for several reasons. The first - you know that my daughter would, in all honesty, choose you over me any day. And second, in my mind, no matter what, you are one of the most amazing examples of true motherhood that I have ever known. We ALL loose it sometimes, otherwise we would implode. I think what counts is how incredible we are beyond all that. I LOVE YOU.


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